VesOPS indtroduction
A while ago, I formed a team of analysts and software professionals and we started developing software to handle the performance analyses of ship data.
The intention with the software is to provide decision support to owners/operators in the Shipping Industry. The data analyses will provide insight into different areas related to ship operations.
The data are preferably sensor data logged automatically in the ship. This type of data gives the user:
- an accurate analysis and image of the actual conditions of the ship
- high frequency updates of the analyses
- better decision support on the vessels’ operations
The sensor data is combined with the data that the vessels crew sends to shore daily (noon data) to fit the purpose of the different analyses and reports.
The software covers:
- The basic need to get an overview of the maintenance status if the vessel related to hull/propeller and main engine performance. It further creates an overview of all consumers in the vessel and analyses where the energy consumption is distributed. It generates an actual fuel table where propulsion consumption for different draughts and speeds are given.
- The overview of charter contracts and the compliance towards these is included. The overview is updated with high frequency due to the nature of the data included and voyage history combined with predictions allows the user to take the right decisions.
- Voyage optimization is also a feature in the software. An overview of current voyages gives an overview of the fleet status and combined with an overlay of different information like weather and traffic from AIS, it is possible to plan for future voyages. A digital vessel model combined with the vessel’s actual state will further give the user the ability to plan for different vessels activities and trade routes.
- Environmental compliance and the rules coming in place for EEXI and CIIs will be an important performance parameter in the future. An optimization scheme for the EEXI and a ratings indicator for the CII is included in the software. A monitoring, prediction and target setting tool for the CII is further developed and CII prediction based on several operational scenarios is also available.
For proper decision support, target settings and follow up tools are essential. This feature is available for all the KPIs that is the output of the system.
Finally, a benchmark function is available. The individual vessels can be benchmarked to the fleet in total or to a user defined group of vessels. For environmental performance, the vessels will further be rated towards comparative vessels from the world fleet.
The software will be a state-of-the-art product and include advanced data handling and prediction techniques.
By subscribing to the VesOPS services the user can get the complete overview of the operational and environmental performance of a fleet of vessels.
Please look at our web: and if you are interested in knowing more, please send an email to or call us at +45 2939 2960.