Sign up to our services to manage the performance of your vessels.
Based on our digital twin propulsion models combined with the data from your vessels we can offer you decision support on your vessels efficient operations.

Online Overview
- Connect to the vessels sensors and get an online access to your vessels operational data
- Access the analyses of your vessels data through a web interface
- Take the right decisions and optimize fleet operations
- Get an online overview of your fleets position and voyages
- ETD, ETA and remaining distance
- Voyage instructions and alerts towards constraints
- Wind waves and current overview actual and forecasts
- AIS overview of traffic and congestion in trafficked and idle areas
- Fouling Risks in idle areas
Analyses and benchmarks
- Analyze the vessels fuel oil consumption
- Benchmark excess consumption towards expectations
- Fuel Tables for the vessels and fleets actual conditions
- Overview of main engine, hull and propeller condition
- Decision support on maintenance actions
- Online overview of vessels performance towards charter contracts
- Voyage history and predictions

Decision Support
- Decision support on corrective actions
- Overview of environmental performance
- IMO DCS and EU MRV reporting
- CII – AER and EEOI – ratings overview
- Target settings and follow up decision support